Pioneering Precision in Genomic Engineering and Assay Development

PixelBiosciences GmbH stands as a beacon of innovation in the landscape of biotechnology, offering a range of services that intersect precision and versatility. Specializing in advanced genomic engineering techniques, such as gene editing and clone selection, alongside with cutting-edge assay systems like NovaFISH and CRISPR-FISH, PixelBiosciences GmbH plays a pivotal role in propelling research and development in the life sciences sector.

Why Choosing PixelBiosciences GmbH?
Benefit from our team's extensive expertise in molecular biology and genetic engineering.
Cutting-Edge Technologies
Cutting-Edge Technologies
Access state-of-the-art technologies for precise and efficient experimentation.
Collaborative Approach
Collaborative Approach
Engage in a collaborative partnership for tailored solutions that align with your research objectives.